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Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Who is Master Izie?

who is Master Izi, nobody ask this question. Here are my old diary notes tell us : A man whose life is like a wind blown piece of leaf ardent composer of sufic kyoku. Bitter severity, the angry face, with a broadly relaxing air of tenderness. The compassionate heart with frosty wintriness of an unbending spirit. Wherever there is a stream of wisdom and pleasant mountains of remembrance there is my fuqara and family teahut. But what I like is where the Bamboos of illumination is thick, surrounded by nihilism and majestic clouds of...many seekers confusion.

1 comment:

  1. A bit of master Izi past struggles when he was young, brash, fearless and thirsty for wisdom:

    Who am I , the masterless neo-matrix
    educated by miyazaki forests
    and nurtured by pure Dogen dew drops,
    soar with wings of Rumi
    and Hafiz, unabated free brave
    crossing oceans continents..
    just to serve you a cup of uncorrupted jasmine Tea. So you may awaken from fear and slumber....dusty Kitaro Silk Road ahead...
