This is very simple and one of the most common dish in my family. My husband love Tofu very much and it's very less time consuming.You can cook within 10 minutes.Let see the ingredients:)
(Amad- my son asked me to write in english..I promised him that I will write a few sentences and he 'll correct the grammar hihi..Amad's birth has been a blessing to me and the whole family in many ways.In my 50s I now have to appreciate football,digimon and computer games.hehe having a young child makes me feel young)oopss jom lihat bahan-bahannya:
4 ulas bawang putih
4 paket tofu telur
3 tbsp sos tiram
1 tbsp kicap manis
2 tsp gula
1/2 tsp garam
1/2 tsp serbuk lada hitam
4 tbsp tepung jagung
1/2 cawan air
- Tumbuk bawang putih kasar-kasar.
- Potong tofu bulat-bulat dan gaul dengan tepung jagung.goreng hingga kuning.
- Panaskan minyak.Tumis bawang putih hingga wangi.Masukkan 1/2 cawan air
- masukkan sos tiram,kicap manis,lada hitam,gula dan garam.
- Akhir sekali masukkan tofu goreng.Kacau perlahan-lahan agar tofu tidak hancur.
- Taburkan dengan potongan daun bawang.
simple kan cara nak masak tofu ni..
ReplyDeleteselalu makan kat sekolah aje,
walaupun simple tapi berkhasiat dan sedap..
Simply delicious kak! I want tooooo ;)
ReplyDeletei love the tofu dish and the sweet short english sentences. not bad for a veteran homemaker....
ReplyDeleteuishhh...sedapnye, ni yg x leh tahan nak diet ni hehe
ReplyDeleteKreatip la kak cm ni masak stail canggini.... sentiasa ada kelainan citarasa...macam saya asyik2 duk ulang masak menu kelate je...hehe
salam Achik..dah sihat?cepat sihat ya...btol..simple dan berkhasiat.jika kecemasan...ni lah menunya:)
ReplyDeletehi love..mmg sedap..jom makan hihi(habis da)
ReplyDeletesalam Mr Zhou..Thank you very much for supporting me and pls suggest more chinese recipes:)
ReplyDeletehi S..this recipe is good for your diet program:)
ReplyDeletesalam fzi..hehe masakan kelate tu jangan banding la..sedap sungguh!!! tokleh lawe